Event Recap for our Untitled Open Mic and Team Slam ft Cantab Lounge | 09.07.2022

We had a relatively short open mic, which was good because we followed with a team slam: Mill City Speaks vs. The Cantab. For Mill City, we had Douglas Bishop, Kris Rouille, Kat Christakis, Peter Vann, and Kayla Kennedy. The Cantab sent five poets: Sam Gucci, Jimmy, Eli, Danny, and Deirdre McCarthy. Under the fine, droll leadership of guest host Ryk McIntyre, the slam rocked thru five rounds and the home team (that’s Mill City Speaks) won. But the point was the poetry as we voiced our support for all the poets and went home amazed at the multi-faced eloquence that went down.



As planned, Mill City Speaks returned the favor and brought the same five poets to the Cantab in Cambridge a week later (9/14) for a 4 by 4 slam where four teams went thru four rounds, rocking the house every time. In addition to the home venue and us, there were teams from Slam Free Or Die and the Mystery Shack. Host Anthony Febo tried to stay unbiased but had a hard time because every piece was fire. No surprise to say that the home team won again, with the Cantab taking first place, but everybody gave it their best shot. We all agreed we need to do more regional events with slam teams visiting other venues, so stay tuned.